


Director Ilse Reynders, Temporal Agent and Senior Researcher, furiously blinks as sun glares off the ocean, catching her in the eyes.


Salt spray on the air tells her she's at a beach. She takes a few seconds to get her bearings before she frowns and smacks her temporal wristwatch a few times. She's tried to navigate through this particular Impasse 3 times, and yet every time, she's landed in this single timeline. She'd expected a split timestream, like the ones that had followed the Foundation's Impasse, but every attempt at exploration has landed her here.

This twisted world diverged from the Prime Timeline centuries ago, leading to a universe lacking almost all of the institutions she knows. It is so different, in fact, that it may as well be an alternate universe instead of a different timestream.


Countries are vaguely in the same place, but their names are different in subtle ways. There never was a masquerade; the anomalous is labeled 'Deviant' yet embraced in the public sphere. The seas are contested between the Sharkic Empires and a vaguely democratic union of sentient cetaceans, but not the dolphin communists she's heard of in her home timeline.

A place this wrong should not exist, by all modern understanding of temporal mechanics. And yet it does.

The Impasse happened here as well, though the decision was… absurd. Beyond nonsensical.

This "Centre"—she mentally stops herself from calling it the "Shark Punching Center", because there's some distinction she hasn't actually bothered to review—had to decide whether or not it would keep punching sharks.

In abstract, a decision not dissimilar to the Foundation's own. Whether the core mission of the organization should be changed.

And yet, while the Foundation's choice split the Prime Timeline into two, for the "Shark Punching" Centre the only timelines that continue are those where it continues as it always has, where it hews true to its name and its purpose. There is no timeline where the SPC fails to keep punching sharks, even past the logical point of extinction. No matter what their models say, the SPC adheres dogmatically to its principles of violence.

There is no idealistic transformation for the SPC.

Yet the sharks remain, and so does the Centre.

Any timelines where the opposite decision is made, where the Centre chooses to change its purpose, to contain or preserve sharks, to make a meaningful choice… those timelines wither and die.

She looks across the ocean. In the distance, she can see Centre Mobile Fighting Teams, Frogmen in their silver wetsuits, lightly skimming the ocean surface, pummeling the waves with their fists.

All is well.

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