SCP-5257 - A Crappy Idea

出典: SCP-5257 - A Crappy Idea(rev.33, 2023/05/25)
著者: Doctor CimmerianDoctor Cimmerian, EmotionalEntropyEmotionalEntropy
作成日(EN): 2023/05/19
SCP-5257 - A Crappy Idea
SCP-5257 - クソみたいな思い付き
Tags: _cc _goblin-glitch _licensebox audio biohazard co-authored compulsion contagion ectoentropic euclid goblincon2023 marshall-carter-and-dark scp
タグ: _goblin-glitch 音声添付 生物災害 共著 強制力 伝染性 外部エントロピー euclid goblincon2023 mc&d scp
備考: 本記事はゴブリンコン2023に“SCP-5257 - Glitch”枠で参加している作品です。“SCP-5257”は仮のナンバーであり、本記事のナンバー、タイトルおよびURLはゴブリンコンの終了後に変更されます。

ライセンス: CC BY-SA 4.0

タイトル: 5_Av_Apr_2022_06
著作権者: Epicgenius
公開年: 2022年


評価: 0+x

by Doctor Cimmerian & Emotional Entropy


The unmarked entrance of Marshall Carter & Dark's New York City headquarters inside the Empire State Building. This is believed to be SCP-5257's origin. / エンパイア・ステート・ビルディング内、マーシャル・カーター&ダーク株式会社ニューヨーク市本社への標示のない入口。SCP-5257の起源と考えられている。

Item #: SCP-5257

アイテム番号: SCP-5257

Object Class: Euclid

オブジェクトクラス: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Information relating to larger groups exposing SCP-5257's effects will be handled by Marshall, Carter & Dark's own misinformation campaigns. Given the embarrassment caused by this anomaly becoming publicly known, it is believed that Marshall, Carter & Dark can be trusted to contain all information relating to the anomaly.

特別収容プロトコル: SCP-5257の効果にさらされた大規模な集団に関する情報は、マーシャル・カーター&ダーク株式会社自体の偽情報活動によって対処されます。本アノマリーが公に知られることによって発生する恥辱を考慮すると、マーシャル・カーター&ダーク社はアノマリーに関する全情報の収容において信頼可能です。

SCP-5257's effects are explainable on an individual basis through mundane means and do not require additional containment measures.


Marshall, Carter & Dark thaumaturges are currently working on a cure for SCP-5257. The organization has agreed to inform the Foundation when that project is completed so it can be reclassified as an inactive anomaly.


Description: SCP-5257 is a viral thaumaturgical effect that causes individuals to defecate when they experience severe anxiety relating to expected harm. SCP-5257's related defecation will occur regardless of the contents of an individuals bowels. The source of the fecal matter that is produced via this effect is currently unknown, but does match the DNA of the producing individual.

説明: SCP-5257は対象者が予想される危害に関して強い不安を覚えた際に排便を行わせる伝染性の奇跡術的効果です。SCP-5257に関連する排便は対象者の腸の内容物に関係なく発生します。この効果によって発生する大便の起源は現時点では不明ですが、そのDNAはそれを排泄する人物のものと一致します。

SCP-5257 appears to only affect individuals employed by Marshall, Carter & Dark, and spreads through physical contact. Given that the effect is only triggered during periods of extreme stress relating to threats of physical harm, it is currently unknown how many agents of Marshall, Carter & Dark are under the effects of this anomaly.


The anomaly was first discovered following a joint Foundation, GOC, and MC&D assault on a Chaos Insurgency safe house in 20211. Several agents from all involved organizations were injured.


During medical treatment immediately following the firefight, mercenaries employed by Marshall, Carter & Dark were found to be wearing adult diapers that were soiled. At first this was not understood as an anomaly, but eventually information relating to the anomaly was relayed to Foundation medical staff in order to provide better care.


After SCP-5257 was properly designated and risks relating to its spread were identified, the SCP Foundation began a project to identify as much information as possible about how and why SCP-5257 was created. A collection of extant documents was searched and new documents were sought and recovered.


It should be noted that Adam Sterling was among the injured agents taken prisoner during the the 2021 assault on the Chaos Insurgency safe house. At the time of the raid, the subject's importance to MC&D was unknown. He was surrendered to their custody at their request.
At this point Adam Sterling began to display SCP-5257 symptoms. Given his likely fate in MC&D custody, it is unknown if this was related to the anomaly or if it was a natural reaction


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