


If you're new to the SCP wiki, or returning to it after a while, you may be confused about the best way to approach it. Unlike most forms of fiction, there is no canon or central storyline. While it's liberating to be told that you can technically start anywhere, even with a completely random SCP, having too many options and not understanding what's going on is an issue newcomers often face.
もしあなたがSCP Wikiに初めて訪れた、または久しぶりに戻ってきたのであれば、どこから始めるのが良いのか戸惑うかもしれません。ほとんどのフィクション作品とは異なり、SCP Wikiには正史(カノン)や中心となるストーリーラインがありません。完全にランダムなSCPを含め、どこから始めてもよいと言われるのは解放的ですが、選択肢が多すぎて何が起こっているのか理解できないという問題に新参者はよく直面します。

This guide will focus more on navigating the site and finding new material to read rather than giving details about the fictional Foundation. If you just want to dive in and immerse yourself in the setting, there's an in-character introduction from the perspective of a new recruit to the Foundation.

Navigational Elements


There's a few page elements on SCP Articles that you may not see on other sites: Collapsibles, Tabs, and Footnotes. If you already know how these three work, feel free to skip to the next section.

Collapsibles are used to organize long, convoluted articles into multiple short blocks. They typically look like a normal link with a plus sign (+) at the start, although the plus symbol is optional.

[[collapsible show="+ Click this collapsible to see the rest of this section" hide="- Click the collapsible again to hide what just showed up"]]

Where should I start reading?


While the obvious thing to do would be to read the SCPs in order, starting at 001 and working your way up, there's a few reasons why we don't recommend this. The first is that Series I, SCP-002 to SCP-999, contains the oldest works on the site, having been written as far back as 2008. While we're fond of Series I, we like to think we've improved as a writing community over time, and if you only read the first series you'll be missing out on our more recent work. We also have a lot of fiction that's not written in the SCP format on the site, and you'll miss these tales if you only read SCPs.

SCP-001 itself is another matter entirely, because there is no single article called SCP-001. The slot is instead left open to allow any author to write a proposal for what SCP-001 might be. Most of these proposals present themselves as the first or most important SCP, and they tend to be much wider in scope than a regular article. We definitely recommend checking them out at some point, but they're not intended to be the first SCP you read, and you'll probably understand them better if you read some other articles first.

Reading Recommendations


  • If you want to read "the classics", our most popular articles are listed on Top Rated Pages. However, part of the reason these are so highly rated is because they've been around for a long time. Try the New Pages Feed and Top Rated Pages from this month for our newer content, or Top Rated Pages By Year to get a better idea of how the site has progressed and changed over time.
  • 「定番」を読みたい場合は、「Top Rated Pages」に最も人気のある記事がリストアップされています。ただし、これらの記事が高い評価を受けているのは、長い間存在しているからという理由もあります。新しいコンテンツを探すには、「New Pages Feed」や「Top Rated Pages from this month」を試してみてください。また、「Top Rated Pages By Year」では、サイトがどのように進化し、時間とともに変化してきたかをよりよく理解することができます。
  • If you want to get more specific recommendations, feel free to ask in any of the community spaces, official or unofficial. We also have suggestions grouped by genre in User-Curated Lists and the Curated Tale Series.
  • もっと具体的なおすすめが欲しい場合は、公式・非公式を問わず、コミュニティスペースで気軽に聞いてみてください。また、「User-Curated Lists」や「Curated Tale Series」では、ジャンル別のおすすめ作品をまとめています。
  • Although we don't have a single canon that all articles follow, we do have a number of canons intended to be more consistent. Think of these as shared universes that multiple authors can write in, building on each others' work. If the premise of the canon sounds interesting to you, it's worth checking out the articles in it.
  • すべての記事が従う単一のカノンはありませんが、より一貫性のあるカノンがいくつかあります。これらは、複数の著者がお互いの作品に基づいて基にして作品を作っていく共有の世界観のようなものだと考えてください。カノンの前提に興味があれば、その中の記事をチェックする価値があります。

There's a lot more we could recommend, including Artwork, Joke SCPs, the Wanderer's Library (our official sister site), and various branches writing in other languages, with translations into English compiled here. However, we've probably given you enough already. Pick a page, follow any links you find interesting, and you'll soon have more to read than you know what to do with!
アートワーク、ジョークSCP、公式姉妹サイトである「Wanderer's Library」、他の言語で書かれた様々な支部(英語への翻訳はこちらにまとめられています)など、まだまだおすすめできるものがたくさんあります。しかし、もうすでに十分な情報をお伝えできたと思います。ページを選んで、興味のあるリンクをたどっていけば、すぐに読みきれないほどの情報が得られるでしょう!

特に明記しない限り、このページのコンテンツは次のライセンスの下にあります: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License