主な対象: SCPwikiフォーラム、Twitter、Reddit
そして今、各種カルトが魔術王を熱望しているので、彼らの倒錯した現実は我々の下へと漏れ出し(bleeding back)てきています。私はイオンがもはや人間のようであるとは思っていません。あるいは少なくとも、それは自身の周りに神が如き存在を組み上げています。聖骸の肉を削り出して成形し、かつては死すべき運命にあった核を覆い隠しています。
Metaphysician - 2015/3/21
Belated response: This guy is a Karcist, not Ion - here is merely quoting the words of Ion. (Fun fact: The image of Ion in 2480? In my head, he isn't the real Ion either - "Pseudo-Ion" is what I call him; either a powerful Neo-Sarkic karcist masquerading as the real deal or a manifestation of sorts, a "shade of Ion" that isn't one and the same as the Ion bound to Adytum in the "other side". Though, his outfit and everything is probably accurate so the real Ion would look somewhat like him)
Metaphysician - 2016/9/4
Metaphysician - 2017/6/30
Metaphysician - 2017/7/28
Metaphysician - 2017/12/9
My thoughts:
Both the Mekhanites and the Xia adhere to a dualistic cosmology but the former interprets the two sides as being in opposition (and support only one side) while the latter see it as a balance.
Sarkites, on the other hand, perceive things quite differently. The "good" is not cosmic but the product of mortals defying their nature and, in turn, their creator. Yaldabaoth is the central threat but all gods/archons are wicked and not to be trusted. Evil is not only a product of the flesh but of a flawed physical universe. So why not usurp the power of the gods and create a perfect universe? But power is corrupting, and those who fight with monsters, yadda yadda yadda, the abyss gazes back, yadda yadda… So many Sarkites, without the guidance of Ion, have developed a twisted interpretation of the philosophy. The social Darwinism embraced by the Neo-Sarkites has led them to become a reflection of Yaldabaoth itself.
His_Desolate_Domain (Metaphysician?) - 2017(?)
Nicely done! As the author of SCP-2309, I thought I'd leave a tidbit about its place in Sarkic history in my headcanon:
The Sarkic invasion described in 2309 is actually not the same as the one in 2406 and 2295—that one took place during the IRL Bronze Age collapse, five or six centuries before the construction of SCP-2309. Instead, SCP-2309 was built to thwart a second Sarkic invasion, which took place after Adytum was "pushed into nonexistence," as you put it, hence the mention of the "realm of druj" in the article. The two Karcists in SCP-2309 tried to lead forces out of Adytum and enter our dimension, but were stalled by the Achaemenid army, which gave the remaining Mekhanite cults enough time to build a dimensional wall with help from Cyrus the Great. Right now, they're trapped in a space between Adytum and our dimension, with no way out except breaking through the wall.
Un67 (Univine?) - 2017(?)
Reddit: A History of Sarkicism
On Ion And Sarkicismスレッド
The adopted spelling used by the Foundation is Greek, because he was first encountered in Mekhanite writings. Sarkites use an entirely different writing system so it would be different but more or less the pronunciation is closer to "Yawn" than "Eye-On".
Metaphysician - 2018/8/12
And those would be accurate. There is enough scripture to imply that Ion and the original goals of the Sarkic faith were benevolent. But those who fight with monsters…
Metaphysician - 2018/8/12
I don't think Ion actually means anything much, it's just a name. Perhaps the Grand Karcist had another more daevite-sounding slave name once, but changed his name to appeal to the common human population of Ädytum, who were the target demographic that his anti-Daevite rebellion consisted of.
As for the different interpretation, I don't actually think anyone has written Ion as "obsessed with turning everyone into flesh blobs", and there are probably as many different interpretations of Ion as there are authors on this site who have written articles about him, if not more.
Personally, I see him as a brilliant and charismatic orator, philosopher, and general who struck a bargain with the beings he hated to gain the power to remake the world into what he thought of as a better place. He attempted to turn these powers against their progenitors, yet realized too late that he had underestimated these beings and that his own end of the bargain was threatening to turn him into the very thing he hated and doom not only his movement but the people he sought to save. And so, he sacrificed himself to save the world from himself. Now, he struggles against himself deep below his personal paradise turned tumorous nightmare as his former followers fall to infighting and the temptations of his enemies.
A Blessed Feline - 2018/8/11
That would be accurate to how I imagine things. :)
Metaphysician - 2018/8/12
Religious Like Sarkicismスレッド
^ その繫がりを作ろうとした下書きがあります。私はまた、Mekhaneをオフィス派から見た蛇に若干似せて描くようにしました。
Metaphysician - 2018/8/12
Daeva either evolved alongside humanity or purposefully altered themselves to become more distinct (which is the view I take - basically turning their elite caste, especially the priestesses, into something beyond human through anomalous means).
Metaphysician - 2018/9/23
この宗教は人類の解放と団結 — そして神々に終止符を打つ — という崇高な目標から始まりました。彼らの文明の崩壊以来、この信仰は様々なカルトに退化してきました。いくらか道徳らしきもの持ち合わせている人もいますが、ほとんどは狂信的な信仰や利己的な野心の名の下にこれらの伝統を歪めています。多くのサーキック・カルトが存在しますが、ほとんどはプロト・サーキックとネオ・サーキックに分けることができます。
Metaphysician - 2019
壊れた神の教会のように、サーキシズムは私たちの世界が壊れていると仮定し、 — それを修正するための道筋を述べます。しかし、壊れた神の教会が外部の工夫と抽象化を通じて理想化された解決策を追求する一方で、サーキックは内面を見ます。肉、骨、筋、思考、— そしてまさしく魂。
サーキックで人々が犯す最初の間違いは、彼らが単なる肉使いであると推定していることです。彼らは肉を扱っていますが、それは彼らが現実を扱っているからであり、そして私たちの現実のかなりの部分は肉で作られています。人々が犯す2番目の間違いは、サーキックがすべて悪だと推定することです。彼らは確かにできます。 多くのことができます。しかし、その中心にあるのは、サーキックが「医者」であるということです。彼らが治療する病気は?人間の状態。彼らの治療法は?神格化。
サーキシズムには2つの分派があります。プロト・サーキックは元来の伝統であり、そのルーツは数千年前に遡ります。ドルイド僧、シャーマン、その他の神秘主義者 — 彼らは多くの人々のために少数の犠牲を通して神格化を求めます。ネオ・サーキックは新参者であり、プロト・サーキックの信念、科学、および疑似科学(優生学など)の融合した混合主義的融合です。彼らは少数のために多くの犠牲を通して神格化を求めます。
> 繰り返し発生するテーマには、死と再生のサイクル、復活、先祖や神の消費、進化、シンクレティズム、そして(特にネオ・サーキズムの場合)力への意志が含まれます。
The Great Hippo - 2019
SCPD: The Hanged King/Alagadda Declassifiedのコメント欄
Metaphysician - 2020(?)
SCPD: The Hanged King/Alagadda Declassified
It was only in his last days that he realized how much control the gods had all this time - that they allowed him to think he had a victory but were exploiting him just as they had exploited the Daeva.
And Nadox was not immediately inspired by John but even I saw the similarities and tried to build on that relation.
Fun fact: [Lovataar] doesn't know what really happened to Ion. She believes the Mekhanites and their allies killed him. The only Sarkite who knows the truth is Nadox, as Ion believed he was the only to understand the sacrifice he was about to make to prevent the birth of an Archon.
He would be disturbed to know that his anomalies, rather than his words, is what changed people - it is not necessarily my view that this is what happened but perhaps his will shaped reality more than he realized.
もちろんアルコーンたちも彼(イオン)を操っていました……彼にチャンスがあると思い込ませ、彼の同情と人類団結への欲求を利用して同種を生み出そうとしていたに過ぎなかったのです。イオンは、何が本当に起きているか知ったのが遅すぎました。彼は必死になって自らの中で成長するアルコーンを中絶しようとし、その結果として彼の荒涼たる領土(His Desolate Domain)、我々の宇宙の外側にある、アルコーンが他の有機生命を自らの創造の糧とすることがない場所が生まれたのです。もしイオンが進み続け、メカニトとその同盟者たちを打ち倒していたならば、胎児状態のアルコーンが誕生するとき彼は世界を貪ることになっていたでしょう。よって彼は自らを犠牲にしたのです。それが彼の民の大半を破滅へ追い込むと知りながらも、それらの恐ろしき存在をまた1つ宇宙に生み出させないようにするために。
Metaphysician - 2020(?)
my thoughts on ion are more about how he perceives himself vs how his followers do. He doesn't see himself as a king, or as a conquerer. Even the deathless Empire is a bit of a misnomer, meaning some thing closer to "great tribe/society" (I like to make us of those, where concepts don't fully translate between culture). Typically Sarkites would influence the people of other tribes and kingdoms to overthrow their masters, rather than directly invade. Karcists could perform true miracles, curing disease, raising the dead, which easily won people over. The revolution against the Daeva is probably where the most conflict happened until the Mekhanites.Ion is weirdly zen, passionate but driven by a deep desire to save humanity from its fate. The Archons manipulated the Daeva Empress' arrogance and lust for power, while subtly doing the same with Ion's deep empathy. His emotions typically range from kindness to sorrow, speaking softly… A contrast to what people would imagine a flesh and blood cult leader to be like. In his current state, I feel he should show more despair, more pain and regret, not so much for his actions but his failure to deliver a better world. That all his efforts were doomed from the start. He is an eternal martyr, weak and weary from his endless sacrifice but still steadfast in his choice and his belief that his actions, while a failure, was the best possible path for humanity, within the limits of what he could know.
It's a point of view I see as similar to The Master in the original Fallout, trying to forcibly evolve humanity so as not to be doomed to hatred and war and ultimately self-destruction. I feel like Ion would show deeper sorrow, and come off more like a tragic holy man than a fallen king. Pride was the great sin of the Daeva and he endeavoured to repress it, despite the adoration of his followers.
Metaphysician - 2020
I have my own theories on how each of the Klavgiar attempted to handle the worsening state of their Ozirmok:
- Orok did what Orok did best. It was not a problem he could handle, so he left for the front, fighting relentlessly not for victory but to distract himself from the sickness growing within Ädytum. He resented the end that he knew he was coming
- Lovataar grew closer to Ion, again, as his condition worsened. First, she tried talking to him to see if they together could find a cure. When reason failed, she tried fleshcrafting, then Daevite alchemy, and then talking again, all to little effect. Up until the bitter end, she remained convinced that he could be saved, perhaps for too long.
- It was to Saarn that Ion confided the plan, which she carried out with the same cold precision as every other assassination she had committed. She wished she knew whether it or not was Ion who told her to kill the man who had once saved her life. She wished she could remain in Ädytum, to set things right. She wished she could tell the others, though she suspected they would each figure it out in their own time. She resented Lovataar for what she was doing with Ion, worrying that it was only making things worse. Lovataar in turn resented Saarn for what she saw as disbelief in Ion and in the Deathless Empire, worrying that her fellow Klavigar had betrayed her.
- Nadox was the last to realize, as Saarn had kept him in the dark as per Ion’s wish. Ion loved Nadox, and knew he would have broken down completely or refused to comply or attempted to talk him out of it if he found out. Nadox loved Ion, which only made the realization worse when he finally understood. As Lovataar grew closer to Ion she grew more distant from the Deathless Empire, and Nadox took up the task of running it, devoting himself to ensuing that at least something of what they had created would remain after the Empire’s impeding end. He resented Lovataar, though he he remained unsure whether it was blame for neglecting her duties to the Deathless Empire or mere jealousy over Ion. He also resented Orok for throwing himself recklessly into the war, worrying about the effect his reckless conquest would have on the empire’s legacy
- Also, I had never thought about what Ion will be like once he rises from the jaws of death. I might include my thoughts about that in a separate reblog, once I finish thinking them
@lovataar The more I think of it, the more I realize that my concept of a resurrected Ion is essentially the opposite of yours. After lying near-dead beneath the tumorous ruins of Ädytum for over three thousand years, every half-conscious moment spent on the ceaseless struggle against the Archon that once grew within him, the man once known as Ion is now anything but the charismatic and refined savior he once was. All the refinement, all the guile, all the majesty is just gone, subsumed in favor of pure survival instinct. The hunger is gone too, as is the ruthless ambition and the desire for conquest. His natural charisma remains, but where it once burned bright like a beacon fire, it is now a smoldering thing that roars like the blackened remains of a forest fire.
What remains, besides scar tissue and emotional trauma, is love. A relentless, inhuman compassion, a single-minded promise to let nobody suffer like he has suffered. No cost is too great, no method is too cruel, no sacrifice is too costly for the eternity that is promised beneath rose-colored skies. What was once a revolution and then a religion will now become an imperative, as base of an instinct as hunger or thirst. What once was a deathless empire and then a frozen waste will now become a tidal wave of scar tissue and memories, drowning three thousand years of history beneath its relentless advance. What was once a heresiarch and then a corpse will now become pure force of nature, simultaneously more and less than human, terrifying and terrified, grieving and triumphant.
Ion has defeated the Archon within, but in doing so, he has grown closer to Yaldabaoth than any of the Archons could ever hope to. Eternal preservation without understanding, endless compassion without mercy. His intentions will be good, now more than ever, but nonetheless Ion will play the part of the villain.
a-blessed-feline(A Blessed Feline)
also putting this out too, just in case: my interpretation of sarkicism is pretty far flung from what's considered 'mainstream', since it's derived from lesser known (underappreciated) articles & attempts to mend my strained relationship with religion (by sone_suraas)
From what I've seen, you closely understand what the hidden core of the Sarkic faith is. I wanted it to start as something beautiful, to contrast the monstrous aspect most are familiar with. What remains is a shadow of Ion's vision, a message lost in translation.
Of course, good intentions are also fully capable of bringing about the end of the universe. A sarkite who truly believes in Ion's goal might try to replicate it, with disastrous results for the very people they are trying to save.
I feel that contrast is one of the points that make Sarkicism so realistic - corruption of ideals & doctrine isn't something that's far-fetched and implausible, it's a reality that occurs around us every day, everywhere in the world.
Metaphysician - 2020/11/1
Decided to listen to some youtube videos about Sarkicism. A common misconception seems to be that they worship Yaldabaoth. The religion was founded in opposition to the gods. But Neo-Sarkites break all taboos of the original faith, so they are willing to bargain with them.
Thought I'd post more things people might not know. I was inspired by Gnostic scripture, which used a lot of Greek terms, I felt like the Mekhanites were already Greek enough and moved things. A few names were already stuck in readers minds and felt like I couldn't change them.
That being Ion and Adytum (from the Visions of Zosimos, a Gnostic and alchemical text), and Archons and Yaldabaoth (one name of the Demiurge - it is speculated to come from Arammaic for "son/child of chaos". At the time, I was thinking about how Lovecraft must have read something
About the Demiurge that inspired Azathoth. The Demiurge, at least in the view of Ophites and Sethians, was an early example of a truly cosmic horror and I wanted to tap into the original inspiration. As Azathoth is called the "blind idiot god at the center of ultimate chaos"
It's interesting to note that Yaldabaoth's other names were Saklas "the foolish one" (idiot) and Samael "the Blind God/god of the blind". So I feel like that can't be a coincidence. My ultimate intent was to have Sarkicism influence the myths of other cultures, just as Daeva did.
With the first recovered documentation of Sarkites coming from the view of Greek Mekhanites ("sarkic" meaning both flesh and the lowest level of reality) and meant as an insult. With Ion and Adytum being Greek spelling/pronunciation for words of similar sound but other meanings.
A Sarkic influence would spread into Assyria, with newly converted horsemen (scythians or their ancestors) of the steppes leading the charge. It pierced the Mediterranean through conversion of Minoans and Thracians (believing Ion to be Zalmoxis, a deity who was once a human slave
The converts of Thrace would become the Solomonari, a "real" mythical group that I incorporated as a Sarkic sect. Ok, enough rambling. Guess I just wanted to give some insight and kind of went on longer than I meant for.
Metaphysician - 2020/12/7
Thinking about my old Theogenesis draft. Involved a lab trying to clone some alien tissue samples thought to be evidence for panspermia, only to create a "little godling"/Archon fetus, and the immense reality alterations that come with its steady development.
Also got really confusing because of how it altered time - manifesting temporally far more rapidly than its influence over physical reality. The area of influence grows slowly but within it, it is, will be, and has always been the absulute authority - a slice of omnipotence.
Metaphysician - 2021/2/2
Note regarding SCP-2480, since there is still a common mistake out there. The real Grand Karcist Ion would be horrified by Neo-Sarkites. The one that Adytum's Wake believed they were in contact with is a very powerful karcist but a pretender, a "Pseudo-Ion".
It's meant to be similar to how many throughout history claim to be the second coming of Christ (or other religious founders/prophets). It's unknown whether Pseudo-Ion truly believes they are Ion or if it is all an intentional deception.
I didn't outright state in when initially posted and only later added a note by Dr. Low, regarding her views on this supposed "Ion".
Been a while since visiting this one.
Something is still bothering me, and you probably got asked this like a million times, but…how is "Adytum" pronounced? (by TheJRinaldi)
Neo-Sarkites and outsiders will say Adytum like the Greek word meaning inner sanctum (/ˈadədəm/) but proto-Sarkites (and ancient Sarkites) pronounce it Adi-Um/Adae-Oom. So in the case of Adytum's Wake, they use the former.
Metaphysician - 2021/3/5
Based upon this symbol (GoI一覧のサーキックのアイコンを提示). Not quite sure if the "tail" tentacle is part of the back body/shell or in front of it (by SoulCrossing1)
People mistake this for an archon but those are represented by the tentacles trying to invade the circle. It's meant to represent an "ascended man", particularly Ion - that to ward off the Archons, humanity must become gods. It is actually facing foward but I like the ambiguity.
Metaphysician - 2021/6/23
Years ago I had the idea for a space SCP related to the extreme orbits of certain trans-Neptunian objects, like Sedna and Eris, which suggests something of considerable mass was lurking on the far edge of our solar system. There has since been an SCP made relying on that premise.
So I ultimately abandoned the idea. My thought was having a "dead" archon as the source of the gravitational anomaly but I got stuck on creating a realistic way for the Foundation to study it (unlike some I prefer to see their space tech as roughly the same as say, US/Russian).
Anyway, it was based on an even earlier idea for a concept I wanted to explore more, The Breaking of Mekhane. My head canon for the Broken God is that it was an incredibly complex extraterrestrial, possibly transdimensional machine - which successfully brought down an archon,
But shattered in the process. This battle occurred near a certain star, our Sun, before the planet's had even begun to form, leading to pieces becoming merged with the gathering matter of the manifesting planets or still floating among the asteroid belts.
I did not create the COTBG, my addition to its canon was pretty specific to the ancient Mekhanites. I dont like making absolute claims about stuff I did not create (an exception with the Hanged King, since amazingly, no one had built off the original scp in 7 years before 2264).
But my ultimate idea was that the machine has a self-repair system and when the fragments are too distant, it begins to manipulate nearby lifeforms. Not all can hear it but those who did came to worship it, becoming obsessed with rebuilding their "god" and developing tech from
The pieces they do find. In fact, it is possible that it caused inspiration for inventions and new sciences (seen as gifts by worshippers) to give the native fauna the tools to aid in its repair. It will take millions of years but Mekhane has all the time in the multiverse.
Mortals worship, they create religions and mythologies around grains of truth and things beyond their understanding. Nothing I write is ever the whole truth. The Sarkites and Mekhanites were closer to the truth than most but still rely on allegory, like real religions.
I imagine it is heresy to suggest in the church but Mekhane being artificial implies a creator. In my mind, they would have been unfathomably advanced but long, long dead - their creations continuing their endless wandering across the stars, alone and guided by ancient directives
Metaphysician - 2021/6/25
ukit - 2021/6/26
23. bumaro is so much funnier if a) he didn't actually fight ion and b) he DID bungle mekhane in twistedkak (by pearlgum)
I know people love to pair them and I don't discourage it but in my mind they never existed at the same time, with Ion gone for at least 1-2 thousand years before Bumaro. But I welcome other interpretations. Always imagined Bumaro as a revivalist of the faith, and not ancient.
Metaphysician - 2021/7/11
- 旧SCP-2510の個別スレッドで”Mekhaneはエイリアンの技術をメカニトがそう解釈しただけ”とMetaが言っていたはず
- ナドックス: 不明
- オロク: サハリンの民族、オロッコ
- ロヴァタール: フィンランド神話の女神、病気の母ロヴィアタル(Loviatar)
- サァルン: フィンランド語のsaarna(説教)